Planning plug sockets in the bathroom
Plug sockets are useful additions in the bathroom. But special precautions are required in areas where water and electricity are both present. We explain the points to consider when planning and installing bathroom plug sockets and give you some tips on where to position them.
Disclaimer: In the United Kingdom, sockets are not allowed in bathrooms or shower rooms (apart from shaver-supply units) unless they can be fitted at least three metres from the bath or shower.
At a glance
Safety comes before design!
Certain legal requirements apply to the installation of plug sockets.
We strongly recommend seeking advice from a qualified electrician.
How to plan sockets in the bathroom for convenience & safety
Plug sockets are essential in the bathroom. We need them for various personal hygiene appliances, such as electric toothbrushes, razors and hairdryers. We appreciate certain comforts in the bathroom too, such as listening to the radio or charging a smartphone while we get ready for the day or night ahead. Careful planning of the number and location of plug sockets in the bathroom is therefore essential to ensure comfortable use.

Safety comes before design for bathroom electronics
Remember, when planning wet and damp rooms: safety always comes first! Special regulations and standards apply in bathrooms, in particular in the areas around showers and baths.
The precise number of plug sockets and their locations will vary according to personal requirements, but safety zones dictate where plug sockets may or may not be installed.

Ideal positioning of plug sockets in the bathroom
It is important to ensure that plug sockets are positioned safely and can be accessed easily. Regulations specify a minimum distance of 60 centimetres between bathroom plug sockets and the bath and shower. When it comes to the ideal height for bathroom plug sockets and light switches, 30 to 105 centimetres above the floor allows for user-friendly access.
Disclaimer: see above for UK regulations.

Distance between plug sockets and the washbasin
No specific regulations govern the distance between plug sockets and the washbasin in the bathroom. This might be surprising as the washbasin is a water source, but you can choose to position plug sockets according to your needs here. You simply need to make sure that they are not located in any other protected area between the bath or shower and the washbasin.
Great care must be taken to protect plug sockets from water splashes. We recommend damp-room plug sockets with a cover for the area around the washbasin to ensure maximum protection from splashing water.
Disclaimer: see above for UK regulations.
Tips for electrical installations in the bathroom
To reduce installation costs, you can integrate a plug socket in your wall light. This combination will also keep the bathroom looking neat and tidy.
Plug sockets in a mirror cabinet are very useful for the concealed charging of razors or electric toothbrushes. A plug socket in your bathroom cabinet will keep cables out of sight and the room looking tidy. It will also protect your appliances from dust and moisture. Don't forget that the mirror cabinet will need a power connection too.
A multiple power outlet in the bathroom will save space. A bathroom socket strip is a particularly practical solution for smaller spaces with limited installation options.
Install bathroom plug sockets at a convenient height to ensure they are within easy reach.

Plan your bathroom with our bath & design experts
Our bathroom & design experts offer a comprehensive planning service with a 3D bathroom plan including the ideal positions for plug sockets. Ask for our advice and let us help you design an appealing and practical dream bathroom.